Saturday, May 17, 2008


I find myself back in the world of blogging after a few year hiatus, but in Kazakhstan I felt this was the easiest way to keep family and friends updated on life in the frozen tundras of (near) siberia, so here we go at round two. This time no frostbite, windburn, or horse meat (i hope-though i was just informed that cow uterus was a popular bbq in africa?!!)

On Monday I'm off to Rwanda for about 4 months to work at the School of Public health in Kigali. What I will be doing is a bit unclear to me at the moment-from what I understand I will be compiling and researching HIV/Malaria/TB health curriculum for students enrolled in the MPH program there. However stay tuned for more.

In the meantime, I am trying to shove as many jars of peanut butter that is humanly possible into my suitcases...which was another dilemma...backpack vs. wheely suitcase. will the wheels even work on dirt roads? am i headed to dirt roads? I'm sure there are greater problems in the world i should be thinking about, but these, unfortunately, are my final thoughts...I fly to New York in 2 hours for a few days, and then onto kigali...


Rob Wild said...


Here's to reliable internet on your end... safe travels and looking forward to hearing about the trip!


Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! Rwandistan!!