Honestly it has a been a bit of an adjustment coming back to Rwanda. Living with a family again (though my family continues to be wonderful, it just means about 5 minutes of personal time a day), lack of hot showers-or actually any water at my house at the moment, an endless amt. of files that need to be uploaded on a
very slow system, unwanted attention from the male population ( i sat next to a man on the bus from uganda that insisted that returning to an openly polygamous society was the only way for Africa to develop. When i suggested that we poll the females on the bus to get their thoughts on the issue, he replied something to the effect of "oh, they won't tell you the truth. they aren't educated enough to know whats best for them" he also bashed homosexuality (an american export) and loved george bush)
also most of my summer friends have headed home. I was originally scheduled to return to NOLA the first week of September, but since i only have 4 credits left (3 of which i can complete online) i've decided to stay for at least another month. A decision which at the time that seemed wise, but now October seems like a long ways away...
So today on my way to work when i saw a police man escorting a man with no leg bones (causing him to walk sort of crab like with his sandaled hands supporting his entire body) across the street, preventing him from sure death by some crazy driver, it lifted my spirits to see such a random act of kindness. in my experience policemen in other developing settings would not have been so nice...its no mr. T, but it did the trick for my day!
So did this chimp:
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