Saturday, August 9, 2008

BFSAO2 arrives!

Swahili word of the day: Sawa=okay

Just a quick note to let everyone know that Sawa best friend since the age of 2 has arrived safely and is sitting 3 feet away from me reading a book about a man that runs 100 miles every weekend and eats large amounts of pizza while running. in recently days i can relate to the large amounts of one attempt running here involved lots of hills, some uncomfortable calls, and a realization that i am fairly out of shape, so it will be no longer...

anyway, poor sara. i've dragged her all the way to africa and what are we about to do? Go to a movie theater and watch the dark night. ah Heath. but we have managed to squeeze a trip to the craft market, a lunch of wildabeast (sp?) steak (for me), and a trip to the tombs to see where the king lived from 1882 to 1884. We also learned how to play a fun african game which i can't remember the name of at the moment, but it involves moving seeds around different holes...

tomorrow we are off to raft the mightly Nile.

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